
A content model maps out how content is organized in a Base.  It defines each type of content, their data, relationships, requirements and options, in as little or as much detail as your project requires.

Simple projects can utilize general purpose pre-built content types, which can optionally be extended and customized.  Or, completely new types can be defined from the ground up.

Content Types

All content in a Base is associated with a Content Type, which breaks content into well-defined elements that are easier for teams and machines to work with.  This is in contrast to traditional files, which are like a black box, often only understood by certain apps and specialists.


Content elements are defined by Fields, which describe the content's data and relationships.

  • Data - Numbers, dates, times, text, images, files and more.  These are the smallest "atoms" of content, which are associated with a title, description and restrictions, such as minimum and maximum allowed values and file sizes.
  • Relationships - Connections to other content embedded within or linked to elsewhere.  These connections form a valuable web of content through well-defined relationships.


In addition, Methods determine how a type of content is represented by text and icon, validated upon submission and update, matched with keyword searches, and more.  In other words, Methods determine how a type of content will look and behave when users and apps work with it.

It is through Content Type Fields and Methods that apps visualize and work with your content.


A key feature to help define and work with similar types of content is inheritance.  It make it possible for multiple content types to be based on another content type, automatically inheriting it's fields and methods.  This seemingly simple feature is extremely valuable in many situations.

The best way to get started building out a model for your project is with the Bases App.