cQL Functions

cQL Functions can be used to manipulate and extract information from dates, times, text and objects, and perform math and logic operations.

Function names are not case-sensitive in the query languages (cCell, cPath, cQL and cQuery), but it is common practice to write functions and aggregate functions in all uppercase, and Object Methods in CamelCase.

The COMAND query languages (cPath, cQL, cQuery) share some common functions to perform operations and calculate values.  They can be used in query expressions anywhere a number, text string or field reference can.

Functions are grouped and documented in categories.

  • Aggregate - Functions that operate on the individual values grouped together by a GROUP BY.
  • Date & Time - Functions for processing and manipulating dates, times and timestamps.
  • Logical - Functions that produce different results based on a condition.
  • Math - Functions for performing math operations.
  • Text - Functions that inspect and manipulate text strings and binary data.
  • Object Information - Functions used to access and work with object metadata.