Package CLI

The following package functionality is available from the command-line interface (CLI).

  • add - Download, add, install a package from the market.
  • update - Download and import the install/import.js file for one or all packages.
  • install - Import the existing install/import.js file for one or all packages.
  • configure - Configure packages.
To update all packages to the latest or a specific version, see COMAND Update.


Add a new package.  This will download the package from the market and copy the files into the main packages folder and install (import install/import.js and run install.php if they exist).

To add a new package (the latest version):

php comand.php io_comand_package add -p <package>

To add a new package in a specific version:

php comand.php io_comand_package add -p <package> -v <version>

Options are:

  • -p <package> - Package to add where <package> is the package name, like io_comand_repo.
  • -v <version> - The version number to add, in the form: 1.2.3


Download the package from the market and import the install/import.js file for all packages, or a single package.

To update all packages to the latest or a specific version, see COMAND Update.
php comand.php io_comand_package update

Options are:

  • -p <package> - Update only the specified package where <package> is the package name, like io_comand_repo.


Import the install/import.js file for all packages, or a single package.

php comand.php io_comand_package install

Options are:

  • -p <package> - Update only the specified package where <package> is the package name, like io_comand_repo.


List or update a package configure options, by updating the corresponding file(s) in the config package folder.

The most common scenario is to automatically update all configuration files with any new options, based on newly installed or updated sample configuration files in package config folders.

php comand.php io_comand_package configure

To update a specific package configuration option to a new value:

php comand.php io_comand_package configure -p <package> -c <conf> -v <val>

Options are:

  • -m <mode> - The mode to run in:
    • list - list the configuration
    • update (default) - update the configuration
  • -p <package> - Optional package to list or update where <package> is the package name, like io_comand_repo.
  • -c <config> - Name of the configuration option to update.
  • -v <value> - The value to set the configuration option to.