webCOMAND Computer Install

Install webCOMAND on a computer or laptop to use it without an internet connection, for local development, or other reasons.


Before you install webCOMAND, your computer should have the following solution stack.

If the software above is not already installed, click an OS below for OS-specific instructions.

  • Linux - Use the package manager (YUM, apt, dpkg, etc.).
  • MacOS - Use the command-line or MAMP.
  • Windows - Use one of these: XAMPP, WAMP, AMPPS.

Install webCOMAND

  1. Download - Download webCOMAND from webcomand.com/download.
  2. Install - Unzip the downloaded archive to a suitable location in the file system.  The web server and PHP will need read and write permission to this location, but it should not be web-accessible.  One level up from the web server document root is recommended.  For example, if the web server document root is /var/www/html/, unzip the files to /var/www/webcomand/.
  3. Set Up webroot - Copy all (3) files inside the webroot folder to the web server document root.  They can also be copied to a sub-folder within the document root if desired.  Update the require_once() line in index.php with the proper relative path to where comand.php was installed in the previous step.
  4. Configure - Open a web browser to http://localhost/, or the URL that corresponds to where you copied the webroot files, and follow the set up instructions.

Once set up, you are ready to sign in.