File Content Type

Defines the concept of a "file" in the repository.  This content type doesn't define a field for the file data.  Instead, it is meant to be extended by other content types like Plain Text File or Image Media File for more specific functionality by file type.


  • Filename - A filename, with an extension, and optionally also with a relative path (where relativity is defined by the context of this file content).
  • Data - A placeholder comment field meant to be overridden by content types that extend this one.  For example, the Text File content type overrides it with a Text Box field, while the Image Media File content type overrides it with a Image Data field.
  • Description - Optional brief description of the file.
  • Data Format - The Data Format of this file, which includes information about the MIME Type, preferred file extension, etc.
  • Auto Detect - Whether the Data Format should be auto-detected from the Data field each time the File is updated.


The File Content Type and any content types that extend it have special features that make them easy to write to the file system, in addition to the repository.  For more information, see the Packages Tutorial.