Content Type Field Model

  • Namespace: io_comand_repo\models
  • Extends: Type
  • Implements: nothing

Represents a Content Type Field.


  • Title - Name of the field, as it will be labeled in the user interface.
  • Identifier - The unique name of the field, as it will be referenced from the API and from scripts.
  • FieldType - The Type of field, which may be a Data Type, Content Type or Layout Type.
  • Location - A cPath used to determine (a) the content items to list in a Content Type reference field and (b) the Folder where new content will be added in a Content Type reference field when "Allow Add" is checked.  The cPath can be relative or absolute.  A relative cPath will be appended to the content's path.
  • ListType - Determines if multiple content items can be referenced or embedded in a Content Type field.  Single (0) or List (1).  This has no impact on Data Type fields, which are always a single value.
  • Uniqueness (Unique/Key) - Determines if a Data Type field value must be unique within a collection, such as a Folder's contents.
  • Show  - When checked, this field's value will be shown in its default summary, in grid views and from web services when a SELECT Clause is not specified.
  • Description - Text to display in the user interface, along with the title, typically to indicate an important hint or direction.  In general, it is preferable to use Help, but the Description can be useful for critical instructions or hints that should always be visible.
  • Help - Detailed information about the field, valid values and how the values are used.
  • Expanded - Determines if a Content Type List field is expanded when the field is initially displayed in Form View.
  • Form Width - How wide to display a Data Type or Content Type field input.
  • Form Height - How much vertical space to provide for a Data Type field.
  • Orderable - Specifies whether this content field is manually orderable (valid only for embedded or forward reference lists).
    • Not Orderable - References will be shown in display order, and stored in the order they are added.
    • Orderable - References can be reordered and will be shown and stored in that order.
    • Orderable by Type - References can be ordered if their content type is orderable, and references of orderable types will be stored in their set order.
  • AllowCreate (Allow Add) - Only applicable for forward reference list types, checking this box will enable new references to be created in the specified Location.
  • Style - If and how to display any defined Choices in the field input.  Manual (0), Drop-down (1) or Drop-down with other (2).  This is set based on the first option in Choices within the Edit Field sidebar of the Content Type Editor.
  • NoSelection - Text to display for a Content Type reference field if no content is selected.
  • Choices - A list of title/value pairs that will display in the form of a drop-down when Style is set to 1 or 2.
  • ChoicescPath - Alternative to Choices, identifies other objects to use as a simple drop-down field. Each object's .Summary() is used for the titles, and .Key() is used for the values.
  • Validations - List of rules to enforce valid values are input before the object is updated. The rules are applied as the field value is entered to provide immediate feedback.
  • Cache - Whether or not to cache requests for this field value in the file system. This is generally useful for binary fields like files or images, and for data that is accessed frequently when performance is important. Options:
    • No Caching - No caching will be performed for this field.
    • Insecure Caching - Cached data will be available for valid webCOMAND users regardless of their authorization level.
    • Secure Caching - For future use, currently unsupported.
  • IscTemplate - Indicates whether this field's value should be interpreted as cTemplate code.
  • NonVariant - Check to share the same value across all content variants, so that if the value for a field is changed in one variant, it will also be changed in all other variants.
  • TypePickList - Optional list of Content Types to display in the user interface when the add button is clicked, if more than one Content Type may be added to Content Type field.