
Process cTemplate code and return the result as a string.


string run_ctemplate(string $text, array $options = [])


  • text - cTemplate code to process.
  • options - Associative array of key/value pairs.  The following keys are supported.
    • context - A cObject that represents the object this cTemplate will be processed within.  In other words $this will reference the specified object, and it's fields will be made available as variables for direct access.  params with the same key will take precedence.
    • log - The event log where processing events will be logged, including events produced by #NOTE() and similar directives.
    • modules - Optional array of modules that define the directives and features available to the cTemplate code when it is processed.  For example, '\io_comand_repo\script\edit' will enable #ADD() and #EDIT() directives.
    • params - Associative array of key/value pairs to define variables that will be available to the cTemplate code when it is processed.  The key is the variable and the value is a boolean, number, string or cObject (it's fields will be available using dot notation).
    • repo - The repository cTemplate directives will use when they need access to a repository.  For example, where #CONTEXT() will look for matching objects.
    • title - The title to include in the event log to identify this process.
    • decode_html_entities - If TRUE, decode HTML Entities in $text into their UTF8 character equivalents.  Useful if $text is coming from code in a Rich Text field.  Default is FALSE.


A string that contains the output from the processed cTemplate, or an empty string if no output or if a critical error occurred (errors will be included in the event log specified by the log option).



$code = '#CALC(1+2)';
$repo = \comand::repo();
$log = new \io_comand_log\log();
$result = \io_comand_script\ctemplate::run_ctemplate($code, [
    'repo' => $repo,
    'log' => $log

// echo the result: 3

// if any events were logged, display them
if(count($log) > 0) {
    echo("<h1>Event Log</h1>\n");