deamon Configuration

The deamon configuration options customize how the webCOMAND Daemon behaves.

  • user - The user and group that the daemon and all spawned tasks will run as.  Specify as USER:GROUP
  • cancel_delay - The number of seconds between when a task is marked as CANCELING and when the daemon will forcibly kill it if it hasn't already canceled itself.  Default is 300.
  • orphan_delay - The number of seconds after which a running task will be checked for 'orphaned' status. Make this long enough that the task has a chance to start to begin with.  Default is 30.
  • scheduled_tasks_enabled - Set to false to prevent the daemon from initiating any scheduled tasks. This will not take effect until the daemon is restarted.  Default is TRUE.


To override defaults, add the following section to the COMAND Package Configuration.

 * COMAND Configuration.
$config = [
    'io_comand_systemtask' => [
        'daemon' => [
            'user' => 'webcomand:publisher',
            'scheduled_tasks_enabled' => FALSE