webCOMAND 3 Roadmap

The following key features will be added in webCOMAND 3.x releases.

As features are completed below, they are moved to webCOMAND Releases.

Improve Repository Performance (3.8)

Improve content read/write performance and API access to different versions and dimensions.

  • Improve Save Performance - Refine store, save and approve process to be more efficient for faster saving, especially for content with a large number of embedded content items.
  • Multi-dimensional Repository Cache - Update repository cache to store all loaded/cached variants of a content item, instead of just the last loaded variant.
  • Refine PHP API Methods - Update content version manipulation methods in the PHP API to have more consistent names.

Improve File Support (3.9)

Improve how webCOMAND and the repository support and integrate with traditional files.

  • Large File Support - Support files larger than 256MB in repositories and the Files app.
  • Improve Storage Efficiency - Automatically detect and "dedup" identical files stored within a repository, across content, revisions and variants.
  • External File Support - Add option to store file data outside of a repository, at a supported URL, including the local file system (file:///), the web (https://), FTP (ftp:// and sftp://), object storage (s3://), and remote repositories (comand://).
  • File Records - Track files produced by Publications and Packages (File Settings) to:
    • Automatically delete files no longer produced by a Publication or Publication Procedure.
    • Provide options to delete files associated with a Publication or Publication Procedure.
    • List Publication and Publication Procedure that produced a file in the Files App.
    • List files produced by a Publication Procedure and content item in Form View.