Content Workflow

webCOMAND has a default workflow to make it easy for content editors to create, edit, save, preview, approve and publish content.

Default Workflow

When no custom workflows are defined for content, the default workflow will be used.

  • Approve (1) Validates the content (individual fields and content as a whole are validated). If any errors are produced during validation, they will be displayed and prevent the approval process from moving forward. (2) Saves the working copy of the content record as a draft. (3) If workflow is defined for this content type and folder and there is a next step, the next step is started. Otherwise, the following steps are performed. (4) Commits the working copy as the active version, which is considered the latest final version and is used for production publications. (5) The previous active version is added to the content record's version history if version control is enabled for the content type and folder, or the current time is time locked.
  • Same as Approve, with additional final step (6) All staging and production publications are updated to reflect any changes to the active content record.
  • Save (1) Validates the content record (fields are validated and content type Validate method is executed). If any errors are produced during validation, they will be displayed, but will not prevent the save process from moving forward. (2) Saves a new draft version of the content record. The active version and historic versions for the content record do not change.
  •  Same as Save with the additional final steps (3) All staging publication procedures that depend on this content record will be automatically republished. (4) If a republish is performed, the system task will slide out on the right.
  • Cancel (1) A dialog will be displayed to confirm the draft should be discarded. (2) If confirmed, all draft versions of the content record will be either (a) deleted if version control is not enabled for the content type and folder, or (b) moved to the version history without updating the active version. It will be noted in the version history (Content Log) that these versions were not active.

Custom Workflows (see Notes in WebDoc)