
Learn about the latest webCOMAND updates and releases.

webCOMAND 1.33 Released

Version 1.33 adds the following features:

  • Shell scripts can be set up to automate post-publishing tasks, such as server syncronization, search indexing and file manipulation. Scripts may be executed upon the completion of page, version and distribution publication.
  • Distribution versions may use any group for their data, lists and values, independent of the distribution's selected group. A distribution can use one group to define template and file structure and another to define content and lists making it possible to easily create user-based reusable templates (useful to template providers and other content/layout resellers).
  • A content source may now be selected for lists. The content source enables relative and absolute sources based on the location of the list, template and output file.

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March 31, 2003
webCOMAND 1.32 Released
Small update adds a heavily requested Submit+Add button.
November 20, 2002
webCOMAND 1.31 Released
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October 15, 2002
webCOMAND 1.30 Released
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