
Learn about the latest webCOMAND updates and releases.

webCOMAND 2.62 Released

COMAND Systems released webCOMAND 2.62 today.  The new version adds several improvements to content fields and form controls.

  • New EncodeHTMLEntities and DecodeHTMLEntities options added to #TEXT COMAND Script statement to make it easier to encode and decode HTML entities, such as © and &, into their UTF8 equivalent characters.
  • New system backup options, logging, alerts and safety mechanisms added to prevent accidental exclusion of content types from backups by requiring a check and balance between the server configuration and web interface.
  • Email import procedures now provide access to all MIME email attachment headers, and quick access to the Content-ID header, which is typically used to associate images and other attachments with those referenced in text/html body.  Also, an issue with decoding the HTML body character set has been fixed.  If the character set is known, it is used.  If there is no charset but the content type is either text/plain or text/html, us-ascii is assumed.  Otherwise, an error is reported.
  • A number of other minor updates and fixes are also included with this release.

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webCOMAND 2.61 Released
2.61 adds several improvements to content fields and form controls.
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