Process and manipulate text.


#TEXT($processor, $string, ...)


  • processor - How to process or manipulate the String.
    • CRC32 - Return the CRC32 value of the string.
    • DecodeBase64 - Decode Base 64 encoded text.
    • DecodeHTMLEntities - Decode HTML entities like " to their string equivalent.
    • DecodeQuotedPrintable - Decoded Quoted-Printable encoded text.
    • DecodeURL - Decode a URL-encoded string.
    • Ellipsize - Truncate long text, adding an ellipsis or other character where truncation occurs.  For more information, see string_util::ellipsize().  Optional parameters are:
      • max_length (default is 32)
      • position (default 1) - Position within the string to truncate from, expressed as a number from 0 to 1 where 0 is the beginning of the string and 1 is the end.
      • ellipsis (default "\xe2\x80\xa6") - Character or string to use where truncation occurs.
    • Encode - Encode text with a specific character encoding.  A few options are supported, which should be passed as the next parameter:
      • 'ISO-8859-1'
      • 'UTF8'
      • 'Base64'
    • EncodeBase64 - Base 64 encode text.
    • EncodeHTMLEntities - Encode characters like quotes into HTML entities like ".
    • EncodeQuotedPrintable - Encode a string as a Quoted-Printable string.
    • EncodeURL - Encode a URL as a URL-encoded string.
    • EscapeHTML - Encode a string for insertion into HTML, so that any special HTML codes and entities will display properly in a web browser.
    • EscapecScript - Encode a string so that any special cScript code and variables will be escaped to produce their original form when interpreted in double-quotes within cScript.
    • EscapeJavaScriptString - Encode a string so that any special JavaScript code and variables will be escaped to produce their original form when interpreted in double-quotes within JavaScript.
    • EscapePHPString - Encode a string so that any special PHP code and variables will be escaped to produce their original form when interpreted in double-quotes within PHP.
    • FirstUpper - Convert the first character to uppercase and everything else to lowercase.
    • FormatNumber - Format a number with commas and a given precision (number of decimal places).
    • FormatDuration - Format a number of seconds and a given precision (number of decimal places).
    • FormatBytes - Format a number of bytes and a given precision (number of decimal places).
    • IsPlural - Return TRUE if a word is in the plural form.
    • IsSingular - Return TRUE if a word is in the singular form.
    • Lower - Convert all letters to lowercase.
    • NormalizeWhiteSpace - Remove leading/trailing white space and convert any contiguous white space into a single space
    • Pluralize - Return the plural form of a singular word.
    • Singularize - Return the singular form of a plural word.
    • StripHTML - Remove HTML tags from text.
    • Tab - Add one or more tabs to the beginning of each line of text.
    • ToIdentifier - Remove characters not valid in an identifier.  What remains will be a valid identifier, which can include capital and lowercase letters and numbers.  HTML entities (ie. ®) are removed, accent characters normalized.  See \io_comand_util\string_util\to_identifier() for details.
    • Trim - Trim leading/trailing white space.
    • Upper - Convert all letters to uppercase.
  • string - The text to manipulate.


Returns the manipulated text.


#* tab multiple lines of text *#
This is
multiple lines
of text