
Get an array of metadata about past versions of the content.


array get_saved_history()


Array of associative arrays that contain the following metadata for each version in the version history for this content, newest first.  The keys that start with an underscore character ('_') are for internal use and generally can not be relied upon to continue to exist in future releases.

  • ContentTypeID - The ID of the content type.  This can be used to retrieve the version of the content with repo::get_object_stub_by_id();
  • ID - The ID of the revision.  This can be used to retrieve the version of the content with repo::get_object_stub_by_id();
  • _FieldID - ID of the field this content is embedded under.
  • _ParentType - ID of the parent content's content type this object is embedded under.
  • _ParentID - ID of the parent object this content is embedded under.
  • _ActiveID - Always 1, which indicates a past version of the object.
  • _RealID - The actual ID of the object (same across revisions).
  • _StartRevision - The revision number this record was created.
  • _EndRevision - The revision number this record was retired.
  • _EndDraftRevision - The revision number this record was expired as a draft.
  • _LastModified - Timestamp the record was created, including microseconds when available.


$repo = \comand::repo();
$contact = $repo->get_first('FROM Contact LIMIT 1');
echo("Contact First Name: $contact->FirstName\n");
$history = $contact->get_saved_history();
foreach($history as $i=>$h) {
    $rev = $repo->get_object_stub_by_id($h['ContentTypeID'], $h['ID']);
    echo("  Revision $i First Name: $rev->FirstName\n");