webCOMAND Interface

The webCOMAND interface is divided into two parts, the header and workspace.


The header is always visible for consistent access to frequently used features and content.


  • Logo - Click or tap the webCOMAND Logo to show, hide or reload the dashboard.
  • Quick Links - Links to apps and content.  Administrators can customize quick links per user role or user, and authorized users can further customize their own. If there are more quick links than fit in the header, a down-arrow will display to the right.  Click or tap the down-arrow to display a scrolling list of additional quick links.
    • Apps - Tools, reports and webCOMAND features are accessible from the Apps menu. Frequently used apps can be added as top-level quick links for direct access. More apps can be discovered and installed from the COMAND Market in the Apps menu.
    • Content - Any content or collection can be represented with a quick link.  For example, the contents of a folder, list field within a content record, or results of a saved search or query.  The number of content records in the collection is displayed in a numeric badge over the quick link icon. The badge will automatically update with a visual cue when the collection changes.  Click or tap a quick link to display a summary of its contents.  Click or tap contents in the summary to open in the App associated with the quick link (the App the quick link was created from), or right-click (tap and hold) to display options (Open With..., etc.).
  • Help - Quick access to documentation about webCOMAND and various apps.
  • Notifications & Tasks - List recent system notices and tasks.  Notices include messages and alerts from the system, administrators and system-wide announcements from other users.  Tasks represent scheduled and manually triggered tasks, such as a publish or repository backup.  A numeric badge indicates active tasks and new notices.  The badge is purple to indicate active tasks and/or unread notices, yellow to indicate only unread notices and/or tasks with unread warnings, and red to indicate a task with an unread error.
  • Profile - Access your user account options, such as change password, edit profile and logout.  A contact list shows active users and key contacts.

Learn how to customize the header.


When you sign in, your default App will be launched and appear in the workspace below the header.  Most webCOMAND apps share some common components described on the next page about Panels.  For information about specific apps, see Apps.